Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tears on my pillow

As I lay here in my hospital bed thinking of all the kind words, comments, cards, posts, and texts I can't hold back the tears.

Being here in the hospital is a very isolating time for me.  Everyone here on East 8 is restricted to a small part of the floor.  When I feel well enough to get out of bed I don't have very far I can walk.  This round of chemo I have spent most of my time in bed and not feeling up to having visitors very often.  The staff here is great and outside of family are the ones I talk with the most.  Being disconnected from my family, friends, and neighbors is difficult.

When times get really tough I will go back and look at Facebook posts or reread texts and feel those connections again.  They remind me that I and my family are part of a loving and supportive community.

It is difficult to describe how many ways people have reached out to me and my family with kind words and acts.  Some from people I don't even know.  Let me try to mention some without meaning to leave anyone out (but I know I will)

Wendi's Fight Club bracelets
dinners for my family
4000+ views of this blog
Comments on Facebook
Cards in the mail
Giving my kids rides to practice, school, games
Taking pictures of kids at games and activities
Books to read
Pictures for my wall
Recording the Primary Program at church (naughty, naughty)
innumerable gifts
memories of fun times
lawns mowed
raising leukemia awareness in the community
orange ribbons
and the list keeps growing

Even the smallest of these lift my spirits and give me added strength as I continue my fight against AML and fill me with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and thanks to all of you.  #wendiwillwin

With love,



  1. Dear Wendi,

    I faithfully follow your blog and I pray for you and your family daily. I admired you long before your battle started and feel it a blessing to be able to witness your strength, grace and courage as I read your thoughts. My heart aches for all the awfulness that this experience entails and I'm really sorry for that. Thank you for allowing us this window into your soul. Your brand of humor is the best there is too! I'm glad you have such an amazing family and community to lean on. With love, Ali Flegal

  2. Dear Wendi, I want you to know that you inspire me with your faith and hope. You are a very special mom and wife and friend. I know Father in Heaven is aware of your needs as are many of our loved ones in heaven. I know you will be blessed to heal and be with your family very soon. Lots of growth is going on, especially spiritual growth. I love you and pray for you.

  3. Wendi, we love you! You are courageous, strong, and beautiful. We pray for you and think of you everyday. You can do this!
