Monday, September 8, 2014

Answer to prayer

Monday, September 8 2014

This past Sunday our ward and stake held a fast for all those ward and stake members who were in need of extra blessings.  I know that Loren bore his testimony yesterday about a priesthood blessing he was able to give me before I started chemo.  In that blessing he was impressed to tell me that the faith and prayers of others would sustain and bless me.  He also spoke about the power that comes from combined fasting and prayer.  What we did not know yesterday was that today we would find out that our prayers and the prayers of many others would be answered.  The nurse came in this morning and told me that my good white blood cells (neutrophils) that we have been waiting for have started to regenerate!  

When they reach the magic number of 500 (I have 100 now) I can go home for a few weeks before my bone marrow transplant.  Every morning the nurses draw blood to measure several things - neutrophils being one of them.  The number has been at zero for over a week while the other types of cells in my blood have been increasing.  So, when the nurse, whom I haven't had before, told me I had neutrophils I jumped up and down and let out a little yell! 

Thank you for your faith, fasting and prayers on behalf of me and my family.  They are heard and answered.

1 comment:

  1. That's wonderful! I'm thinking about and praying for you!
