Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Diagnosis

I do remember now....we had my sister's lasagna for dinner.   The party slowly died down and Loren took the girls home...we thought we were going to talk with the doctor in the morning.  After everyone left, my friend, Natalie Turner stopped by and we visited for a minute. She hadn't been there very long when the doctor came in to talk with me. She proceeded to tell me that the tests had come back positive for leukemia but they would know in the morning what kind of leukemia I had.

Sometimes when bad news is delivered we describe it like being punched in the stomach.  I didn't feel the punch, I just felt like I had been living in a snow globe but didn't know it and suddenly someone decided to shake it up.  I was just bouncing around trying to make sense out of what happened and get my bearings and realizing that the world I had been in hours before was now different.  It appeared the same but a shift had occured unseen to the human eye but felt in my heart and would be felt in the hearts of my family.

Natalie and I just sat and cried and cried and would look at each other in disbelief as we said "leukemia???"  I was so grateful to not be alone when the news was delivered.  No greater love hath a friend than to sit with them at this time.  We were also told that we would not know the specific kind of leukemia until the morning.

Immediately after the doctor left I called Loren and told him the news. There is no way to accurately describe the feelings and emotions that we both felt as I told him that I had leukemia. We didn't fully understand what is was nor did we fully know how this was going to impact us and our family.  I did know that we could do anything together and that we had done difficult things together before but that this would probably be the hardest.

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